The Visiting Professor Program is one of the benefits JUC offers to consortium school members. It allows faculty currently service at a JUC consortium school with a terminal degree in a field related to JUC programs on sabbatical to spend a semester in residence on Mt. Zion with Jerusalem University College. These positions are limited and must be applied for 12 months before the sabbatical semester begins. Applications will be approved by the Office of the President, and accepted visiting professors will be notified at least nine months prior to the sabbatical semester.
On-campus housing, including room and board, for the visiting professor and immediate family members (conditional upon space available) is provided for the semester. Visiting professors may audit up to two JUC courses. Additionally, visiting professors and accompanying family may attend any JUC field study paying only the associated field study fee. (Children under the age of 16 require permission from the Office of the President.) The professor and/or home institution are responsible for travel costs and visa fees.